Divorce & Family Laws
Divorce is a complex process at the best of times. Couples need to come to terms on complicated matters, like spousal support (maintenance), child support, and equitable distribution. In the case of divorce litigation, when the case appears in front of a court for judicial guidance, the toughest part of the divorce can be the trial itself.
Practice Areas
Divorce & Family Matters
Many people prefer to avoid facing the court entirely by choosing methods like mediation for alternative dispute resolution. However, there will be cases when this simply isn’t possible.
There are many different kinds of divorce process available, ranging from mediation to divorce litigation. Usually, when clients consult Kirpal & Associates office for their initial consultation (free of charge), they can discuss the different options that are available to them.
Kirpal & Associates have decades of experience helping clients to prepare the best presentation for their day at court.
Kirpal & Associates Divorce Lawyers
Kirpal & Associates Divorce Lawyers
Our office provides effective and reasonable solutions for matrimonial and family law issues as a divorce lawyers, family lawyers or divorce mediators. Our straight talk, approachability, tenacity and years of experience with divorce and family law cases, make this office the right selection for many individuals or couples that have divorce, separation, child custody, child support, orders of protection and other family law needs. Couples contemplating divorce mediation are encouraged to come in for a half hour no fee consultation.